Kostenloses Online-Seminar "Fragen zur Heizkostenabrechnung? – Wir zeigen Ihnen wie es geht!" am 6. November um 18 Uhr. Jetzt hier anmelden und bequem von zuhause aus teilnehmen.

Empowering consumers in Neckarstadt-West

Quartiersbüro Straßenansicht Mannheim
Empowering consumers in Neckarstadt-West
Bill much too high? Bought something and broken already? Ripped off at the front door? Do you live in Neckarstadt-West, have a problem and need help? We are there for you.

We have answers to your questions about all sorts of consumer issues

 Smartphone    Telephone, mobile phone, internet (e.g. phone bill too high, problems with online shopping)

Vertrag    Contracts (e.g. returning broken goods, cancelling contracts, doorstep contracts)

Geld    Bank accounts and loans (e.g. questions about account management, credit cards, debt collection letters)

Gas und Strom    Electricity and energy (e.g. questions about changing providers, saving energy, questions about bills, problems with payments)

Bilanz    Insurance policies (e.g. questions about the policies you need, help with claims)

Teller    Food and nutrition (e.g. questions about shelf life or origin of products)


Verbraucher stärken im Quartier Logo
Opening Times

Important note:

Unfortunately, the project "Empowering consumers in Neckarstadt-West” will end.
Therefore, we have to close our neighbourhood office at Mittelstraße 18 on 14.06.2024.

The office of the Consumer Advice Center (Verbraucherzentrale) in the city center is still there for you.
Address: N 4, 13-14

If you need a consultation, you must make an appointment.

You can do this directly at the advice center during the following times
Tuesday 2-4 p.m.
Wednesday 1-5 p.m.
or via the telephone number for information and appointments: 0711 66 91 10
or on our homepage: www.verbraucherzentrale-bawue.de



We speak Deutsche Flagge German, Flagge UK English.
You can come to us with all your questions and problems in connection with your everyday life as a consumer or call us.
We look forward to seeing or hearing from you!

Opening times::
Tuesdays from 3 - 6 pm
Thursdays from 10 am - 12 noon

in the neighbourhood office:
Mittelstraße 18
68169 Mannheim
Tel. 0621-17 29 35 -31 or-32


Quartiersbüro Mannheim Straße
Foto: VsiQ Neckarstadt-West


Dictionary of Consumer Terms

Simple language

The dictionary explains the most important terms from everyday consumer life in simple language. It is not intended to be a legal dictionary in which legal issues are explained in detail. These explanations do not replace legal advice.




About the project

The nationwide project "Strengthening Consumers in the Neighbourhood” gives the Baden-Württemberg Consumer Advice Centre the chance to do outreach consumer work for the first time in its history. Low-threshold support services specifically address those consumers who could not be reached so far. Isabella Glott und Marika Jgerenaiawill be on site in Neckarstadt-West - on neighbourhood walks, with information stands and at local festivals. Language barriers are also to be overcome and information offered in different languages. We speak Flagge Deutschland German, Flagge UK English,  Flagge Rumänien Romania and Bulgarian Flag Bulgarian.

The aim of the project is to strengthen consumers and make them better informed so that they can recognise dubious scams themselves and make the right consumer decisions. In addition, the neighbourhood workers see themselves as guides who can help to find the right contact person for all problems. Networking with the neighbourhood management and other players in the quarter is therefore an important part of their work. The multipliers in the area can benefit from the referral structure and the various training schemes on very different consumer topics.

Video: Verbraucher stärken im Quartier: Erst wenn Sie auf "Inhalte anzeigen" klicken, wird eine Verbindung zu YouTube hergestellt und Daten werden übermittelt. Hier finden Sie dessen Hinweise zur Datenverarbeitung.

Video: Institutionen des Verbraucherschutzes - Die Verbraucherzentralen: Erst wenn Sie auf "Inhalte anzeigen" klicken, wird eine Verbindung zu YouTube hergestellt und Daten werden übermittelt. Hier finden Sie dessen Hinweise zur Datenverarbeitung.

Gefördert wird das Modellprogramm im Rahmen der ressortübergreifenden Strategie „Soziale Stadt – Nachbarschaften stärken, Miteinander im Quartier“ durch das Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen (BMWSB) in Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV).

Logo des BMWSB
Logo des BMUV
Quartiersberatung Logo